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209 Points per $10
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Rewards are not calculated on postage / handling / delivery costs or associated purchase taxes in your region (This may include but not be limited to VAT, GST etc).
About ThePerfumeSpot is a global online leader in discounted fragrances, bath & body products and candle. We carry over 2,000 of the hottest and most popular designer name brands including:
Giorgio Armani, Adidas, Swiss Army, Alfred Sung, Perry Ellis, Hugo Boss, Banana Republic, Estee Lauder, Liz Claiborne, Calvin Klein, Diesel, Guy Laroche, Givenchy, Guess, Gucci, David Beckham, Paris Hilton, Kenneth Cole, Elizabeth Arden, Pierre Cardin, Ralph Lauren, Tommy Hilfiger, Lancôme, Christian Dior, Revlon, Britney Spears, Victoria Secret, Fendi, Elizabeth Taylor plus many more.
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Giorgio Armani, Adidas, Swiss Army, Alfred Sung, Perry Ellis, Hugo Boss, Banana Republic, Estee Lauder, Liz Claiborne, Calvin Klein, Diesel, Guy Laroche, Givenchy, Guess, Gucci, David Beckham, Paris Hilton, Kenneth Cole, Elizabeth Arden, Pierre Cardin, Ralph Lauren, Tommy Hilfiger, Lancôme, Christian Dior, Revlon, Britney Spears, Victoria Secret, Fendi, Elizabeth Taylor plus many more.
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