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Roland Mouret
Roland Mouret
85 Puntos / £10

Roland Mouret

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Acerca de Roland Mouret

Originating from a a French mountain village near Lourdes, Roland Mouret set out for a city life working as a model in Paris. After 10 years of city night life living, he moved to London, igniting a new flame; a desire to create a fashion collection. The brand was born with the The Galaxy dress, a timeless classic and signature piece still available today.

Decades later, with an artist that has a love for skin, understanding gravity, glamour and the female body. RM has countless red-carpet hits, big name partnerships and an eclectic range of products spanning fragrance, accessories, bridal wear and more. Roland Mouret is a thriving fashion brand, designed for all women.

Since 1997.

"I drape, I touch, the fabric takes the lead and the element of transformation is always magical to me."