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Waitrose & Partners
Waitrose & Partners
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Waitrose & Partners

New customers Click & Collect on a £39.99+ spend
New Customer Home Delivery on a £40-£99 spend
New Customer Home Delivery on a £100+ spend
Existing Customer Home Delivery on a £40-£99 spend
Existing Customer Home Delivery on a £100+ spend

¿Cuándo recibiré mis Puntos?

Rastreado dentro de i5 día(s)
Premiado dentro de i45 día(s)
Stated reward is for new customers ordering click and collect over £40 spend and customers ordering home delivery over a £100 spend. Existing customers ordering click and collect will not receive any rewards. New and existing customers will earn a lower reward on home delivery over £40.

You will not receive rewards from any other part of John Lewis Partnership including John Lewis online store, John Lewis Broadband and John Lewis Insurance.

Please note that currently purchases made via the app will not track, you must ensure that when all purchases are made via the desktop website.

Rewards are not calculated on postage / handling / delivery costs or associated purchase taxes in your region (This may include but not be limited to VAT, GST etc).

Acerca de Waitrose & Partners

Waitrose sells delicious food, made with quality ingredients, at a fair price. We believe that great value food can come with great values: better lives for animals, and better futures for farmers and communities. And because Waitrose is owned by its Partners, we all go above and beyond to share our knowledge and passion for quality food with the people who matter most – you, our customers.