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Microsoft Store UK
Microsoft Store UK
Desde 56 Puntos / £10

Microsoft Store UK

¿Cuándo recibiré mis Puntos?

Rastreado dentro de i5 día(s)
Premiado dentro de i45 día(s)
Stated reward is for purchasing Surface & Accessories. You will earn a different reward on Microsoft 365 Monthly Subscriptions, Microsoft 365 Annual Subscriptions, Xbox Game Pass Ultimate and Xbox Game Pass for PC. No rewards give on: Renewal of subscriptions, Xbox Console &Accessories, Xbox Game Pass for Console & Xbox Live Gold and Apps, PC & Accessories, Xbox 1st Party Games, Xbox 3rd Party Games will earn no rewards.

Queries can only be investigated 5 days after delivery has been received. If orders are deemed to be not genuine personal customers' orders no rewards will be given.

Rewards are not calculated on postage / handling / delivery costs or associated purchase taxes in your region (This may include but not be limited to VAT, GST etc).

Acerca de Microsoft Store UK

At Microsoft Store, we believe in empowering people and organisations. One of the ways we achieve this is through our ongoing dedication to our customers. Microsoft Store offers world-class customer support and guidance in both our physical and online stores, ensuring that our customers find the best devices, games, apps, software, and resources for their personal and professional needs.

2-3 business days free shipping, free returns and free technical phone assistance for the first 90 days after the purchase of a Surface device.