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Hasta 282 Puntos / £10


¿Cuándo recibiré mis Puntos?

Rastreado dentro de i5 día(s)
Premiado dentro de i45 día(s)
Stated reward is for new customers only, existing customers will earn a lower reward.
Rewards are not calculated on postage / handling / delivery costs or associated purchase taxes in your region (This may include but not be limited to VAT, GST etc).

Acerca de Temu

Temu (tee-moo) is an online marketplace that connects consumers with millions of sellers, manufacturers and brands around the world with the mission to empower them to live their best lives. Temu is committed to offering the most affordable quality products to enable consumers and sellers to fulfill their dreams in an inclusive environment. Temu was founded in Boston, Massachusetts in 2022.